Improving our knowledge on The Simpsons

Now that you have made the questionnaire, you are aware of your knowledge about The Simpsons. Probably, you have answered correctly some questions because the different elements of this cartoon series are familiar to you. However, whatever the results of your questionnaire are, you can improve your knowledge about this series.

In order to know more about The Simpsonswe provide you several sources in which you can consult general information about this series. For example, there is a book written by Jonathan Gray (2012) in which the author analyses and discuss the parody and humour reflected in the series. In addition, there are different digital sources that can result quite useful too.

Apart from that, we attached here an interesting presentation which summarizes the trips of the Simpsons family. The presentation includes pictures, videos and some explanations about their experiences in each continent.

Reference List:

Gray, Jonathan. Watching With The Simpsons: Television, Parody, and Intertextuality. Routledge, 2012.



  1. I loved the presentation, specially the videos about the trips. They are so funny!

  2. I’ve never thought about how much the stereotypes of other countries are represented in The Simpsons. I had a lot of fun with the videos! I love the one of India!

    1. They represent most of the stereotypes of society. We're happy you enjoyed it!!!

  3. I’ve never thought about how much the stereotypes of other countries are represented in The Simpsons. I had a lot of fun with the videos! I love the one of India!


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